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Five Principles of Data Visualization
Why visualize data? Our brain not only processes visual elements 60,000 times faster than text, but also stores them longer.
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Data literacy — the path to information
If we want to generate profitable insights from data, a data-driven culture is necessary. But along the way, a feeling of uncertainty about dealing with “data” often hinders progress.
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6 steps to a successful data science project
Do you have a data science project ahead of you or are you simply interested in how data mining works? How explain the current and cross-sector guidelines for projects...
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Improving data quality — this is how it works
If it hasn't already been tackled, it's often at the top of the to-do list — using data and creating added value. At the same time, new data is constantly being generated back and forth.
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Current funding
We have summarized the most important aspects of the current support for you. One thing is certain, digitization in Austria has rarely progressed as fast as it has in these times.
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Save, grow, and plan with BI
Sustainable decisions are data-based decisions. The challenges of the current era have shown companies of all sizes how important it is to stand firmly on digital footing.
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How do I achieve a 'data-driven' corporate culture?
It seems to have arrived everywhere by now: whether it's “the raw material,” “the oil,” or “the gold of the 21st century,” data is of immense value. Assuming they are used wisely...
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Data Analytics - How do I go about it correctly?
As soon as it comes to digitization and technologies, attractive-sounding buzzwords are quickly thrown around: it's immediately about artificial intelligence, data science, advanced analytics...
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Internet of Things — from sensor to cloud
'IoT' is booming, but why actually? Imagine saving money because you use electricity efficiently and avoid expensive consumption peaks, knowing which jobs...
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How do my products get smart?
Companies across industries now understand that it is difficult for them to survive on the market permanently without digital solutions.
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Augmented analytics: support on the path to data-driven culture
What were the highest-grossing days of the last two years? How many productive hours do my employees work? Which project is currently the most economically effective?
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Overcoming the crisis with data
Data, dashboards and analyses — politics and media have never been as data-driven as during the Corona crisis. Understanding the situation and being able to act quickly...
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Data analytics as a key success factor for digital transformation
If a company wants to be successful as part of digital transformation, there is no way around data and analytics. Even though there are a lot of buzzwords buzzing around and mean corporates...
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Time for good news
At the end of a year full of challenges, we want to put the positive in the spotlight. That's why we've summarized some highlights of good news for you.
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The battle for the throne in enterprise software
If you want to be powerful, you need strong partners. The board members of leading software providers Salesforce and SAP also know this — both sides have recently formed alliances with the top...
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Data for all — the democratization of data
When it comes to 'democratizing data, 'there are different levels. One is the public provision of data, as is known from open data portals, for example.
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Lines, bars, pies: Which charts are suitable for what?
Marketers, news agencies or entrepreneurs like Amazon founder Jeff Bezos have been talking about it for a long time and doing it — they refrain from using PowerPoint, bullet points and dusty tables...
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Bringing data to life — saving lives with data visualization
It is hardly possible to calculate how many lives Florence Nightingale has actually saved as a result of her work to date.
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Big data vs. small data
Big data is one of the most popular buzzwords of our time. But when does' big 'actually become' big '?
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5 tips for successfully launching dashboards
The fact that data visualization makes dry content such as columns and rows easier to understand is beyond discussion. So more and more software companies are advertising their new dashboard.
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Voice assistants: intelligent companions
Hey Siri! About the challenge of digital voice assistants
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Economy 4.0: Digital business models are disrupting the market
In the fourth industrial revolution currently taking place, companies with data-based business models are in the fast lane on the market.
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Artificial Intelligence: Will the Terminator Defeat Us Now?
Few topics are discussed as controversial as that of artificial intelligence. As is often the case, new technologies bring uncertainty.
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Data governance - overview in the data jungle
As a result of digital transformation, companies and organizations have now become aware that data is not a by-product of digital processes...
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Big data and data protection: cause for concern?
The challenge of new technologies is usually accompanied by uncertainties. Especially when it comes to collecting and using data, there is often talk of “monitoring” or...
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Why Christmas can't be without comedy - Xmas Analytics
Since you can see the film industry as a kind of mirror of society, we wanted to know on the occasion of the season which topics Christmas typically covers in films...
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Visualized data: relationships at a glance
In a sense, data is the record of everyday corporate life and is constantly generated in daily business. They arise from sales, customer information, payroll statements...
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Business Intelligence - The opportunity of data and why we should use it
Business intelligence is the umbrella term for strategies and tools for analyzing company data in order to gain insights about your own company and to derive decisions from this.
Unleash your organization's full potential with expert data analysis, smart insights, and personalized advice.
Get in touch with us so we can help you deliver the best data analytics solution for your business.
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