Business Intelligence
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Business intelligence

Self-service Analytics

We help you accelerate and improve decision-making processes, optimize internal business processes, increase operational efficiency, increase new sales and gain competitive advantages over competitors.

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For your business questions
ANSWERS gives you interactive data visualizations that allow you to quickly understand your business data and identify patterns.
Business intelligence

Live Show Case

Here you can discover an interactive Tableau demo with extensive filter options from a state-of-the-art dashboard.

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Business intelligence

Use Cases

Budget Monitoring
company size
approx. 90 employees
Customer contact
Finances & Controlling
Our service
Basic technical setup of the Tableau platform, development of initial dashboards for different departments, technical and content support and maintenance of the Tableau landscape, data analytics, visual design.
Big data in retail
company size
approx. 80,000 employees
Customer contact
Analytics Department
Our service
Helping the analytics team create Tableau dashboards with Exasol connection, data analytics, visual design, big data.
Monthly data growth of half a billion rows.
BI reporting in the plastics processing industry
Manufacturing industry
company size
approx. 80 employees
Customer contact
Our service
Business intelligence setup with Tableau, data analytics, visual design, support and maintenance of the Tableau landscape.
Interactive dashboards for KPI monitoring, orders, sales, customers and warehouses.
Unleash your organization's full potential with expert data analysis, smart insights, and personalized advice.
Get in touch with us so we can help you deliver the best data analytics solution for your business.
3 users are connecting via phone, and email based on a calendar.