Data and Design
Visual Analytics

Data visualizations provide a clear insight and help to quickly identify relevant questions and problems

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Data and Design

What is the importance of user experience in analytics?

The user experience is critical when it comes to dashboards because it has a direct impact on how effectively and efficiently people can explore data. When the UI/UX design is well-designed, it helps users easily understand visualizations and make better decisions based on that.

Data and Design

Return of Investment

Many companies invest a lot of time and money in setting up data analytics and creating reports, but find that their dashboards aren't being used, that they're unattractive, and not easy to use.
We'll help you create useful and good-looking dashboards and make your reports easier to understand.

Data and Design

Design thinking

We understand data visualization as a language in its own right that requires unique skills. Using the design thinking approach, we guide your company through the process of creating appealing dashboards that are tailored to the needs of users.

Illustration of design thinking. Design thinking related icons in a thinking bubble above a lady's head.
Visual Analytics

Use Cases

Smart IoT - use of space and office space
Joint venture of information and communication service provider and furniture manufacturer
company size
approx. 2,100 employees (total)
Customer contact
Product Owner
Our service
Creation of a set of initial Tableau dashboards integrated into a management system for smart working plus programming of the Tableau Web Data Connector, Data Analytics, Visual Design.
Software add-on: Project monitoring for construction projects
Information and communication technology
company size
approx. 35 employees
Customer contact
Product Management, CEO
Our service
Creation of a proof of concept based on Tableau for a German software industry solution embedded in an AngularJS framework - dashboards, technical Tableau setup, code embedding (HTML, TypeScript, CSS), storytelling with data, data analytics, visual design.
Sentiment tracking for one of the 'Big Five' tech giants in Silicon Valley
Market Research
company size
approx. 55 employees
Customer contact
Data Scientist
Our service
Technical and content preparation of market research data as interactive tableau dashboards for a 135k MA US company in the fields of information and communication technology, data analytics, visual design.
Embedded analytics for audit management
Information and communication technology
company size
approx. 90 employees
Customer contact
Data Scientist
Our service
Revision of the visual design of the Tableau dashboards of an analytics add-on of a horizontal international software solution, technical Tableau consulting.
Data-driven innovation management for one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies
Market Research
company size
approx. 25 employees (client)
Customer contact
Data Scientist, CEO
Our service
Technical and content preparation of market research data as interactive tableau dashboards for a 90k MA company from the pharmaceutical industry with headquarters in Switzerland, data analytics, visual design.
Introduction of data analysis of sensor data
University of Applied Sciences (DE)
company size
approx. 80 professors
Customer contact
Scientific project manager
Our service
Connection of sensor data to a panel, dashboard development, training.
Unleash your organization's full potential with expert data analysis, smart insights, and personalized advice.
Get in touch with us so we can help you deliver the best data analytics solution for your business.
3 users are connecting via phone, and email based on a calendar.