Current funding

We have summarized the most important aspects of the current support for you. One thing is certain, digitization in Austria has rarely progressed as fast as it has in these times. Home office and remote meetings have suddenly become an integral part of everyday working life. Austria is increasingly responding to this development with various funding opportunities.

State of Lower Austria: save 50%

The currently running until 31.10.2021 is “Digi4Wirtschaft” funding package from the state of Lower Austria, which can provide 50% of our services. Small, medium-sized and larger companies whose headquarters are in Lower Austria are eligible. Services and products that serve to improve business and value creation processes are promoted. The following funding opportunities are available:Digi assistant: We are available as consultants certified (by the Lower Austrian Chamber of Commerce) for this purpose. Together, we can discuss your current needs and suitable options. Digi concept: 50% (max. €30,000) will be funded for the evaluation and development of the concept Digi investment: 
Project realizations (e.g. implementation of the Digi concept) are funded with up to €70,000.

AWS: 14% for digitization

Austria Wirtschaftsservice supports companies of all sizes and industries throughout Austria with a investment premium in the area of digitization for new tangible and intangible investments. An application for funding can be submitted no later than 28.02.2021, although the investment must start before 01.03.2021. Both funding options are non-repayable grants. We would be happy to advise you on suitable funding sources and assist you with the application process.


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